
in alphabetical order

Cemal Bâli Akal, Türker Armaner, Eylem Canaslan, Gaye Çankaya Eksen, Reyda Ergün, Moris Fransez, Birden Güngören Bulgan, Alber Erol Nahum

Cemal Bâli AKAL

Professor at Kadir Has University’s Faculty of Law

Sabbatical research in National University of Córdoba, Argentine, 2016-2017.

Post-doctoral fellowship in History of Political Ideas, Complutense University of Madrid, 1990-1991.

Ph.D. in Law, Istanbul University, 1984.

M.A. Research in Political Theory, University of Strasbourg, 1977-1979.

B.A. in Law, Istanbul University, 1975.

Selected Publications on Spinoza

Books in Turkish

  • Özgürlüğün Geleceği Yoktur. Edebiyatta Spinoza [Freedom Has No Future. Spinoza in Literature], Ankara: Dost Kitabevi, 2004, 2006, 2011, 2019.
  • Varolma Direnci ve Özerklik. Bir hak kuramı için Spinoza’yla [Conatus and Autonomy. Toward a Theory of Rights with Spinoza], Ankara: Dost Kitabevi, 2004, 2010, 2016.
  • Kimlik Bedenin Hapishanesidir [Identity is the Prison of the Body], Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2011, 2014 (co-written with R. Ergün). -out of print

Articles & Book Chapters in French and Spanish

  • “Spinoza: Sobre el Calvinismo y positivismo jurídico”, Spinoza Maledictus: Spinoza Treceavo Coloquio, eds. A. L. Jabase, Carmela Las Heras Pronello, Alejandra Meriles, Francisco Rivera, Libro digital, PDF, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, 2018.
  • “¿Pueden mis ojos ver al otro?” in Spinoza en la literatura, 2016, Brujas, Córdoba Argentina (co-authored with A. L. Jabase, V. Brodsky, G. G. Urquijo and D. Tatián).
  • “Rencontres méditerranéennes autour de Spinoza”, Adalya XIX, Akdeniz Medeniyetleri Araştırma Enstitüsü Yıllığı, İstanbul 2016.
  • “La fin de l’utopie ou la liberté dans la nécessité”, Galatasaray Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi. Melike Batur Yamaner’in Anısına Armağan, İstanbul: Beta, 2015.
  • “Spinoza en Turquie”, Bulletin d’Archives de Philosophie, Tome 74-2011/4, Paris, 2011 (co-written with R. Ergün).
  • “La Filosofía poética de Spinoza sin Spinoza”, Spinoza. Séptimo coloquio, ed. D. Tatián, Editorial Brujas, Córdoba, 2011.
  • “La philosophie poétique de Spinoza sans Spinoza”, Synergies Turquie, No 3, İstanbul: Gerflint, 2010.
  • “Quelques notes sur les traductions du Traité Theologico-Politique”, Synergies Turquie, Vol. 2, İstanbul: Gerflint, 2009 (co-written with R. Ergün).
  • “Algunas notas sobre las traducciones del Tratado Teológico-Politíco”, Spinoza. Quinto coloquio, ed. D. Tatián, Editorial Brujas, Córdoba, 2009 (co-written with R. Ergün).
  • “Sobre la incompatibilidad entre el TP y el TTP”, Spinoza. Cuarto coloquio, ed. D. Tatián, Editorial Brujas, Córdoba, 2008 (co-written with R. Ergün).
  • “La política del sabio y la soledad del gobernante”, Política y Soledad, eds. V. Galfione, M. Santucho, Editorial Brujas, Córdoba, 2008 (co-written with R. Ergün).
  • “Los derechos de los migrantes como mito político”, Spinoza: Tercer coloquio, ed. D. Tatián, Editorial Brujas, Córdoba, 2007 (co-written with R. Ergün).
  • L’identité est la prison du corps”, Galatasaray Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 2005/2, Istanbul: Galatasaray Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi, 2007 (co-written with Reyda Ergün).
  • “Del derecho de comunicación al derecho a la ciudadania universal. De Vitoria a Spinoza”, Spinoza: Segundo Coloquio, ed.  D. Tatián, Altamira, Buenos Aires, 2006.

Edited Books in Turkish

  • Spinoza Hukukçuya Ne Söyler? [What does Spinoza tell the Lawyer], Zoe Kitap, İstanbul 2018, 2022 (co-edited with E. Antalyalı).
  • Marx’tan Spinoza’ya, Spinoza’dan Marx’a. Güncel Müdahaleler [From Marx to Spinoza, from Spinoza to Marx: Contemporary Interventions], Dost Kitabevi, Ankara, 2013, 2017 (co-edited with E. Canaslan).
  • Spinoza Daima [Spinoza, Forever], Zoe Kitap, İstanbul 2019.
  • Spinoza Günleri 2. Yeni Dünyadan Eski Dünyaya [Spinoza Days 2. From the New World to the Old World], İ. Bilgi Üniversitesi, İstanbul 2011 (co-edited with R. Ergün) -out of print.
  • Spinoza Günleri. Teolojik-Politik İnceleme Etrafında [Spinoza Days. Around Theological-Political Treatise], İ. Bilgi Üniversitesi, İstanbul 2009 -out of print.



  • Spinoza, Teolojik-Politik İnceleme [Theological-Political Treatise], Ankara: Dost Kitabevi, 2008, 2010, 2012,2016, 2019, 2021 (6. edition )(co-translated with R. Ergün).

Book Chapters

  • Tatián Diego, “Bilimsel İncelemeye Övgü. İbn Rüşd natüralizminin yeraltı akıntısı”, Natüralizm ya da Yitirirken Doğayı Hatırlamak, Dost Kitabevi, Ankara 2021.
  • Tatián Diego, “Spinoza. Özgürleşme olarak özgürlük”, Özgür İrade? Zoe Kitap, İstanbul 2021.
  • Tatián Diego, “Spinoza. Gizemsiz düşünce”, Özgür İrade? Zoe Kitap, İstanbul 2021.
  • Tatián Diego, “Spinoza ve nefret Üstüne”, Yabanın İhtiyatı, Zoe Kitap, İstanbul 2020
  • Lordon Frédéric, “Komünizm… Arzu ve kölelik”, Marx’tan Spinoza’ya Spinoza’dan Marx’a. Güncel Müdahaleler, Dost Kitabevi, Ankara 2013.
  • Fischbach Franck, “Pars Naturae”, Marx’tan Spinoza’ya Spinoza’dan Marx’a. Güncel Müdahaleler, Dost Kitabevi, Ankara 2013.
  • Tosel André, “Spinoza’nın marksist kullanımları. Yöntem dersleri”, Marx’tan Spinoza’ya Spinoza’dan Marx’a. Güncel Müdahaleler, Dost Kitabevi, Ankara 2013.
  • Althusser Louis, “Tek materyalist gelenek. I- Spinoza”, Marx’tan Spinoza’ya Spinoza’dan Marx’a. Güncel Müdahaleler, Dost Kitabevi, Ankara 2013.
  • Rubel Maximilien, “Marx Spinoza’yla karşılaşıyor”, Marx’tan Spinoza’ya Spinoza’dan Marx’a. Güncel Müdahaleler, Dost Kitabevi, Ankara 2013.
  • Tatián Diego, “Spinoza-Marx. Bir karşılaşmanın protokolleri”, Marx’tan Spinoza’ya Spinoza’dan Marx’a. Güncel Müdahaleler, Dost Kitabevi, Ankara 2013.
  • Tatián Diego, “Cernauti, Amsterdam, Pau: Paul Celan’ın bir şiirinde Spinoza”, Spinoza Günleri 2. Yeni Dünyadan Eski Dünyaya, İ. Bilgi Üniversitesi, İstanbul 2011.
  • Chauí Marilena, “Korku, umut, savaş ve barış hakkında açıklamalar”, Spinoza Günleri 2. Yeni Dünyadan Eski Dünyaya, İ. Bilgi Üniversitesi, İstanbul 2011.
  • Souza Maria das Graças de, “Diderot ve Spinoza: Beden neye muktedirdir?”, Spinoza Günleri 2. Yeni Dünyadan Eski Dünyaya, İ. Bilgi Üniversitesi, İstanbul 2011.
  • Spinoza Benedictus de, “Din ve Siyaset Üstüne İnceleme’den Seçme Parçalar. XVI. ve XX. Bölümler”, Batı’da Siyasal Düşünceler Tarihi. Yeni Çağ, ed. Mete Tunçay, İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2009.
  • “Spinoza ve ‘Zaman’ın Siyasi Bir Mekan Olarak Restorasyonu” [Spinoza and the Restoration of ‘Time’ as a Political Space], Felsefe Tartışmaları, 33, 1-22, 2005.
  • “Spinoza İçin İnsanın Varoluşunda Yok Olmayan” [Spinoza on The Invanishable in Human Existence], Spinoza Günleri 2- Yeni Dünyadan Eski Dünyaya, ed. Cemal Bâli Akal, 49-54, Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, Istanbul, 2009. (presented in April 2012 at Penn State University’s Department of Philosophy as “Not Immortal But Invanishable: Spinoza’s Intellect”)
  • Etika’da İntiharın Ontolojik İmkansızlığı” [The Ontological Impossibility of Suicide in the Ethics], Baykuş Felsefe Yazıları Dergisi, 5, 51-58, 2009. (presented in May 2012 at New York University’s Department of Philosophy as “The Impossibility of Self-Destruction in Spinoza”)
  • “Spinoza’da ‘Doğal Hak’ ya da Aklın Doğası” [‘Natural Right’ in Spinoza or the Nature of Reason], Spinoza Günleri 1- Teolojik-Politik İnceleme Etrafında, ed. Cemal Bâli Akal, 9-16, Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, Istanbul, 2009.
  • “Fichte confrenta aSpinoza: ¿Amigo o Enemigo?”, Spinoza-Octavo Coloquio, ed. Diego Tatian, 105-112, Editorial Brujas, Córdoba, 2012 (translated in Spanish from the English Presentation). -with the support of Galatasaray University Scientific Research Projects Council
  • “The Order of Ideas: Vico and Spinoza”, Vico Road, ed. Monica Riccio, Levent Yılmaz, Manuela Sanna, ISPF – “Studi Vichiani” series, Rome, 2015. Colloquium titled “The Vico Road”, organized by the Institute d’études avancées in Paris in January 2015.
  • “Kötülüğün Hiçliği: Spinoza” [Spinoza: The Nothingness of Evil], Cogito 86, volume entitled “Kötülük” [Evil], ed. İmge Oranlı, 39-52, YKY, Istanbul, 2017.
  • “Tekillik ve Sonsuz” [Singularity and the Infinite], Cogito 99, volume entitled “Spinoza: Taze Bir Nefes…” [Spinoza: A Fresh Breath], eds. Gaye Çankaya Eksen, Alber Erol Nahum, 156-168, YKY, Istanbul, 2020.
  • Project entitled “Re-Evaluation of Spinoza’s System”, carried out as Project Manager between September 28, 2011 – September 28, 2014, with the support of Galatasaray University Scientific Research Projects Council.
  • Undergraduate and graduate courses on Spinoza given at Galatasaray University and Boğaziçi University
  • Master theses and doctoral dissertations on Spinoza directed at Galatasaray University.

Associate professor at the Department of Philosophy, Kırklareli University (Turkey).

Ph.D. in Philosophy, Galatasaray University (Istanbul), 2019. Dissertation title: Les fondements méthodologiques et métaphysiques du concept de démocratie chez Spinoza. Grant from Turkey’s Council of Higher Education for one year of doctoral research at University of Paris 8 (between 10.1.2012 and 09.30.2013).

M.A. in Philosophy, Galatasaray University (Istanbul), 2009. Thesis title: La comparaison du concept de ‘multitude’ de Spinoza avec celui de Hobbes.

B.A. in Philosophy, Bogazici University (Istanbul), 2002.

Works on Spinoza


  • 2019:    (2024, 3rd edition; 2021, 2nd edition) Spinoza: Yontem, Tanri, Demokrasi [Spinoza: Method, God, and Democracy], Ankara: Dost.

Book Chapters & Articles

  • 2023:    “Ontology and The Political Absolute: A Critical Reading of Spinoza on Women”, Manuscrito vol. 46 n°1 Jan.-Mar., pp. 147-96.
  • “Conatus”, “Spinoza” [encyclopedia articles] in KLU Felsefe Ansiklopedisi, eds. Gökhan Murteza and Eylem Yolsal Murteza, İstanbul: Pinhan, pp. 89-91, 393-6.
  • 2022:    “Spinoza’da Ozgurluk Sorunu” [The Problem of Freedom in Spinoza], Kavramlar Tarihi: Ozgurluk, ed. Armagan Ozturk, C. Cengiz Cevik, Ankara: Dogu Bati, 2022, pp. 263-277.
  • 2020:    “Spinoza’da Ifade Ozgurlugunun Metafizik Temelleri” [Metaphysical Foundations of the Freedom of Expression in Spinoza] in Cogito, eds. Gaye Cankaya Eksen, Alber Nahum, 2020/IV, n° 99, pp. 39-53.
  • 2017:    “Los otros de Spinoza”, trans. by Alejandra Meriles, in Spinoza y los otros, Spinoza, Decimosegundo Coloquio (2015), eds. V. Brodsky, G. Farga, G. G. Urquijo, and A. Vinas, Cordoba: Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentine, pp. 37-43.
  • 2015:    “Proto-demokratik Bir Perspektiften Felsefi Pedagoji ya da Anlama Yetisinin Duzeltilmesi” [Philosophical Pedagogy from a Proto-democratic Perspective, or the Emendation of the Intellect], in Spinoza ile Karsilasmalar, eds. G. Atesoglu, E. Canaslan, Istanbul: Ayrinti, pp. 56-76.
  • 2014:    “Sunus: Spinoza’yla Diyalog” [Introduction: A Dialogue with Spinoza], in Spinoza, Mektuplar [Letters], trans. by Emine Ayhan, Ankara: Dost, pp. 17-54.
  • 2013:    “Giris: Spinoza ve Marx. Bir Karsilasmanin Izinde” [Introduction: Spinoza and Marx. On the Track of an Encounter], in Marx’tan Spinoza’ya, Spinoza’dan Marx’a Guncel Mudahaleler, eds. E. Canaslan, C. B. Akal, Ankara: Dost, (2nd edition 2017), pp. 11-30.
  • 2009:    “Teolojik-Politik Inceleme’den Politik Inceleme’ye Spinoza’da Cokluk Kavrami” [From the TTP to the TP, Spinoza’s Multitude], in Spinoza Gunleri: Teolojik-Politik Inceleme Etrafinda, ed. C. B. Akal, Istanbul: Bilgi Universitesi Yay., pp. 29-39.

Book review

Editorial Work

  • 2015:    (2019 2nd edition) (co-edited with G. Atesoglu), Spinoza ile Karsilasmalar [Encounters with Spinoza], Istanbul: Ayrinti.
  • 2014:    (2020 2nd edition) Spinoza, Mektuplar [Letters],trans. by Emine Ayhan, Ankara: Dost.
  • 2014:    (2020, 3rd edition) Spinoza, Descartes Felsefesinin Ilkeleri ve Metafizik Dusunceler [Descartes’ Principles of Philosophy and Metaphysical Thoughts], trans. by Coskun Senkaya, Ankara: Dost.
  • 2013:    (2017 2nd edition) (co-edited with C. B. Akal) Marx’tan Spinoza’ya, Spinoza’dan Marx’a Guncel Mudahaleler [From Marx to Spinoza, from Spinoza to Marx: Contemporary Interventions], Ankara: Dost. Authors: M. Rubel, V. Morfino, J. Read, E. Balibar, A. Maidansky, A. Tosel, D. Tatián, L. Althusser, W. Montag, P. Thomas, F. E. Schrader, Y. Yovel, F. Fischbach, G. Albiac, C. Casarino, F. Lordon.


  • 2013:    Jason Read, “‘Arzu Insanin Ozudur’: Bireylik-Otesinin Filozoflari Olarak Spinoza ve Hegel (“‘Desire is Man’s Very Essence’: Spinoza and Hegel as Philosophers of Transindividuality”), Marx’tan Spinoza’ya, Spinoza’dan Marx’a Guncel Mudahaleler, eds. E. Canaslan, C. B. Akal, Ankara: Dost, pp. 84-103.
  • 2013:    Etienne Balibar, “Politik Olan, Politika: Rousseau’dan Marx’a, Marx’tan Spinoza’ya” (“Le politique, la politique: de Rousseau à Marx, de Marx à Spinoza”), Marx’tan Spinoza’ya, Spinoza’dan Marx’a Guncel Mudahaleler, eds. E. Canaslan, C. B. Akal, Ankara: Dost, pp. 104-116.
  • 2013:    Gabriel Albiac, “Spinoza/Marx: Oznenin Insasi” (“Spinoza/Marx: le sujet construit”), Marx’tan Spinoza’ya, Spinoza’dan Marx’a Guncel Mudahaleler, eds. E. Canaslan, C. B. Akal, Ankara: Dost, pp. 297-305
  • 2011:    Antonio Negri, Aykiri Spinoza. Gundem(deki/disi) Cesitlemeler (Subversive Spinoza: (Un)Contemporary Variations), Istanbul: Zoe (2nd edition 2020), (with Nurfer Celebioglu).
  • 2005:    Antonio Negri, Yaban Kuraldisilik: Spinoza Metafiziginin ve Siyasetinin Gucu (Savage Anomaly: The Power of Spinoza’s Metaphysics and Politics), Istanbul: Zoe (2nd edition 2021).


  • 2015     December 7-11: “Spinoza’s Others”, XIIo Coloquio Internacional Spinoza: Spinoza y los otros, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, Córdoba, Argentine. (English)
  • 2014     December 13-14: “Contemporary Approaches to Hegel’s Reading of Spinoza: Anti-Dialectical or Anti-Teleological, Yeniden Hegel Sempozyumu, Vira Verita, Kampfplatz, Ankara University. (Turkish)


  • 2022     March 30: “Spinozaci Demokrasi: Ebediyen Yapim Asamasinda” [The Spinozian Democracy: eternally under construction], Spinoza Bulusmalari, orgs. A. Kadir Cucen, Mehmet Fatih Elmas, Berkay Gurvardar,
  • 2021     October 7: “The Concept of Dispositio corporis in Spinoza: An Early Glimpse of Sexuality as Fluidity”, Ciclo de Conversaciones Spinoza Contemporáneo, Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios Spinozistas, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas -UNRC. (online)
  • 2021     April 2: “Spinoza’nin Feminist Yorumlari” [Feminist Interpretations of Spinoza], Online Philosophy Talks, MSGSU Department of Philosophy. (online)
  • 2020     February 26: “Spinoza’nin Ethica’si Neden Causa sui ile Baslar?” [Why Does Spinoza’s Ethics Begin with Causa sui], Wednesday Talks,Galatasaray University, Department of Philosophy.
  • 2015     February 22: “Spinoza ve Demokrasi” [Spinoza and Democracy], Felsefeciler Dernegi, Istanbul Subesi.

Courses & Lectures

  • 2024 (Spring), 2023 (Spring), 2021 (Spring) and 2020 (Spring): FEL18732 Readings of Spinoza (graduate course), Department of Philosophy, Kırklareli University.
  • 2023 July 20-26: Spinoza Camp, Gümüşlük Academy, Nomadic Thought Organization, Bodrum, Muğla (with S. Zelyüt, C. B. Akal, H. D. Özcan, Z. Gambetti).
  • 2020     January 18: “Spinoza: Teolojik-Politik Inceleme” [Spinoza: Theological-Political Treatise], Bahcesehir University, Continuing Education Center.
  • 2015     August 17-23: Lectures on Spinoza’s Philosophy, Nesin Mathematics Village, Sirince, Izmir (with R. Ergun, A. Nahum, G. Atesoglu, E. Abat, N. Barak).


  • 2020     June-July: (by Hamza Celaleddin) “Spinoza Uzerine” [On Spinoza], Henidik, n° 2/8, pp. 6-9.
  • 2016     April-June: “Varolmak Zaten Direnmek Demektir, Spinoza’nin Guncelligi Ustune” [Existence is already a resistance. On the actuality of Spinoza], Aporìa, n° 4, pp. 30-33.


  • Spinoza et Sartre, De la politique des singularités à l’éthique de générosité, [Spinoza and Sartre, From the Politics of Singularities to the Ethics of Generosity] Classiques Garnier, Paris, 2017.

Edited Journal Issue On Spinoza

  • Spinoza: Taze Bir Nefes…, special issue on Spinoza’s Philosophy, Cogito, quarterly philosophy journal ed. Gaye Çankaya Eksen & Alber Nahum, YKY, September 2020.

Articles & Book Chapters On Spinoza

  • “Problème d’expression de l’unité de la société politique : Balibar et Spinoza” [“Problem of Expression of the Political Society: Balibar and Spinoza”], published online in Rue Descartes, N° 85-86, 2015/2-3, Lire Étienne Balibar à Istanbul. Violence et civilité (
  • “Spinoza et Sartre: une composition dynamique des singularités” [“Spinoza and Sartre: A Dynamic Composition of Singularities”] (Texte publié de la présentation du livre Spinoza et -Sartre. De la politique des singularités à l’éthique de générosité au Séminaire Internationale de Spinoza à la Sorbonne), Philonsorbonne, année 2017-2018. (pp.175-186)
  • Interview by Marion Blancher: “La liberté du point de vue d’une philosophe turque, entre Spinoza et Sartre” Entretien avec Gaye Çankaya Eksen réalisé par Marion Blancher, Astérion, 2018. (
  • “İnsanı İnsan Yapan Şey Üzerine” [“On what makes a human being”], Spinoza: Taze Bir Nefes… başlıklı Cogito:Üç Aylık Düşünce Dergisi, ed. Gaye Çankaya Eksen-Alber Nahum,Sayı No:99, YKY, Eylül 2020, pp.105-129.
  • “Spinoza’da Fortitudo ve Barış Üzerine” [“On Fortitudo and Peace in Spinoza’s Thought”], Spinoza ile Karşılaşmalar (ed. Güçlü Ateşoğlu & Eylem Canaslan), Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2015. (pp.149-162)
  • “Kötü Karşılaşmalar. Kriz, ölüm, soy tükenmesi ve bildiğimiz Dünya’nın sonu” [“Bad Encounters. Crisis, death, extinction and the end of the World as we know it”], Kayalar ve Rüzgârlar, Mikroplar ve Kelimeler, Kerem Ozan Bayraktar, Sergi Kitabı, Sanatorium Yayınları, 2019. (pp.14-23)English version of the full text, translated by Çiçek Öztek, is also available in the book.
  • “Bireysel ve Toplumsal Yetkinleşme Fikrinin Peşinde: Spinoza Düşüncesinden Peter Singer’ın Etkin Diğerkâmlığına Giden Dolambaçlı Bir Yol” [“In Pursuit of the Idea of Individual and Social Perfection: An Indirect Path from Spinozian Thought to Peter Singer’s Effective Altruism”], Gökcisimleri Üzerine, Haz. Kevser Güler ve Süreyyya Evren, ARTER Yayınları, Ocak 2021. (pp.184-193) English version of the full text, translated by Çiçek Öztek, is also available in the English version of the book.
  • “Spinoza’da Etik Siyaset İlişkisi Üzerine” [“On the Relation Between Ethics and Politics in Spinoza’s Thought”], Spinoza Günleri. Teolojik-Politik İnceleme Etrafında, ed. Cemal Bali Akal, Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2009. (pp. 17-29)
  • “Konaklama Halinden Yerleşikliğe: Türkiye’de Spinoza Çevirileri Üzerine” [“From Transitoriness to Residency: On Spinoza Translations in Turkey”], (with Alber Nahum), published online in K24, 2015.
  • “John Berger ve John Berger’ın Spinoza’sı Üzerine” [“On John Berger and John Berger’s Reading of Spinoza”], Şerhh, Şiir ve Eleştiri Dergisi, Mayıs 2018. (pp. 134-148)

Presentations on Spinoza

  • Book Presentation in English: Spinoza et Sartre. De la politique de singularités à l’éthique de générosité, org. Filippo Dellucchese, Sive Natura. International Center for Spinozian Studies in Universita di Bologna, 26 May 2022.
  • “Spinoza: Apprendre à vivre en paix”, À l’occasion des 20 ans du séminaire international de recherche sur Spinoza en Sorbonne organisé par Chantal Jaquet, Pascal Sévérac et Ariel Suhamy, 3 juin 2021, en visioconférence.
  • “Spinoza Felsefesi ve Psikiyatri” [Philosophy of Spinoza and Psychiatry], in the symposium organised by Türkiye Psikiyatri Derneği, 24. Klinik Eğitim Sempozyumu, 6 June 2021. (Video-konferans)
  • “Spinoza’da Yetkinlik Dereceleri ve İnsan Üzerine” [“On Human Beings and Degrees of Perfection in Spinoza’s Thought”], symposium on the international exhibition entitled Etten Kemikten [Of Flesh and Bone], Amerikan Hastanesi, 15 June 2019, İstanbul.
  • “Degrees of Animation in Spinoza’s Thought and the Moral Status of Non-human Animals” Seminaries Post-doctorales du Centre de Recherhe de Philosophie à l’Université Libre de Bruxelles, 4 Nisan 2019, Bruxelles.
  • “Présentation du livre: Spinoza et Sartre. De la politique des singulatiés è l’éthique de générosité” Seminaire Internaitonal de Recherche sur Spinoza en Sorbonne, 15 janvier 2018, Paris.
  • “Fikirler Ve Bedenler: Spinoza Düşüncesine Bir Giriş” [Ideas and Bodies: An Intorduction to Spinoza’s Thought”], Weekly public Lecture in Moda Sahnesi, 4 May-22 June 2017, İstanbul.
  • “Active Peace and the Strength of Character: A Non-contractarian Approach to Spinoza”, VIII Braga Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy, 8-9 June 2017, Braga, Portugal.
  • “Spinoza’da Etik Siyaset İlişkisi Üzerine” [“On the Relation Between Ethics and Politics in Spinoza’s Thought], Spinoza Günleri. Teolojik-Politik İnceleme Etrafında, 14-15 November 2008, Bilgi Üniversitesi, İstanbul.

Research Projects on Spinoza

  • “Spinoza’da Etik, Metafizik, Teoloji ve Siyaset” [“Ethics, Metaphysics, Theology and Politics in Spinoza’s Thought”], Completed Research Project (2014-2017), Galatasaray University. Project code: 14.501.002
  • “Degrees of Animation and the Moral Status of Animals in Spinoza’s Thought”, Completed Post-doctroral research project (2018-2019), Université Libre de Bruxulles.
  • “Güncel Spinoza Tartışmaları” [“Contemporary Debates on Spinoza”], Ongoing Research Project (2019-…), Galatasaray University. Project code:19.500.001.

She encountered Spinoza during her LLB, when she was enrolled in Cemal Bâli Akal’s course “Theory of Rights”. After greenly attempting to compare Nietzsche’s concept of amor fati with Spinoza’s concept of sub specie aeternitatis in her dissertation, she continued her work on Spinoza’s philosophy. While writing her master’s thesis on German idealism and the problem of freedom, she also researched the literature on the reception of Spinoza in German philosophy and consequently devoted a section of the thesis to the “Pantheism Quarrel” surrounding Spinoza’s philosophy. After completing her LLM degree, she began her doctoral work in public law. When she began writing her dissertation, she was finally able to focus fully on Spinoza’s philosophy, something she had always dreamed of doing. The book chapter she wrote, entitled “Benedictus de Spinoza: Freedom of Expression and Democracy,” appeared in From the King-State to the Nation-State (co-authored with Mehmet Ali Ağaoğulları and Filiz Çulha Zabcı), first published in 2005. From 2006 to 2007, she was a visiting researcher at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba in Argentina. She had the opportunity to work with Diego Tatián and be a part of the Argentine Spinoza Circle. During her time in Argentina, she participated in the international Spinoza colloquia, which the Spinoza Circle started in 2004 and which are still organized annually by different institutions and initiatives. After returning to Turkey, she tried to attend some of the colloquia every time she had the opportunity to cross the ocean, but missed most of them. Her papers were published in the colloquium collections. She co-translated Spinoza’s Theologico-Political Treatise; the first edition was published in 2008. She participated in the organization of the colloquia entitled “Spinoza Days” at Istanbul Bilgi University in 2008 and 2009 and in the preparation of the publications of the colloquium compilations. The Spinoza bibliography entitled “Spinoza in Turkey,” which she prepared together with Birden Güngören appeared in the first compilation, Spinoza Days. On Theologico-Political Treatise, which was published in 2009, and an expanded version appeared in the second compilation, 2nd Spinoza Days. From the New World to the Old World, which was published in 2011. The last expanded version of the bibliography appeared in the compilation Spinoza Forever, published in 2019. In 2011, she defended her doctoral dissertation, which she had written between 2006-2011, under the supervision of Cemal Bâli Akal. Her dissertation examined the interrelationship between law, politics, and rights in Spinoza’s philosophy from a perspective that critically engages with the fundamental political and legal concepts of political modernity. Identity is the Prison of the Body. Articles and interviews on Spinoza, a compilation of articles written by Cemal Bâli Akal and Ergün individually and jointly between 2006-2011, was published in 2011; an expanded second edition appeared in 2014. Her contribution to this compilation consisted of chapters on topics such as the mind-body relationship in Spinoza, feminist readings of Spinoza, German philosophy and the Pantheism Quarrel, the relationship between freedom and security in Spinoza, the concept of fear in Hobbes and Spinoza, wisdom and politics in Spinoza’s philosophy, and democracy and freedom of expression in Spinoza’s philosophy. She translated Fred E. Schrader’s “Substance and Concept: Spinoza’s Reception by Marx” from German into Turkish for the book entitled From Marx to Spinoza, from Spinoza to Marx. Contemporary Interventions (2013), compiled by Cemal Bâli Akal ve Eylem Canaslan. The paper “The relationship of law and the right in Spinoza,” which she presented at the “Encounters with Spinoza” symposium organized at Mimar Sinan University in 2015, appeared in the compilation of the symposium published the same year. Ergün is one of the editors in Turkey of the online Spinoza bibliography project launched by the Spinoza-Gesellschaft in 2006, founded by Manfred Walther. More recently, she continues her studies on Spinoza, especially in the context of gender studies and queer theory.


Birden Güngören Bulgan received her Master’s degree from Galatasaray University, Public Law L.L.M. program, with her dissertation “Spinoza’s and Hegel’s Conceptions of Freedom”, under the supervision of Cemal Bâli Akal (2004). She received a DAAD scholarship and completed her PhD Thesis “The Importance of Hegel’s Spinoza Lecture in his Theory of the State and Rights” in Germany (2011) under the supervision of Manfred Walther, founder of the Spinoza Gesellschaft. The thesis was awarded the Sophia Prize in 2011. Since 2006, she has been responsible for the SBON (Spinoza Online Bibliography) in Turkey, together with Reyda Ergün. She is the author of a book, several book chapters, articles, and bibliographies on Spinoza. Since 2018, Güngören Bulgan has been working as an associate professor at the Faculty of Law, Galatasaray University.


  • Die Bedeutung von Hegels Spinoza-Lektüre für seine Staats- und Rechtstheorie, Logos Verlag, Berlin, 2011.

Book Chapters

  • “Türkiye’de Spinoza”, Spinoza Günleri, Teolojik-Politik İnceleme Etrafında, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, yay. haz. Cemal Bâli Akal, 2009, s.139-151 (Reyda Ergün ile birlikte)
  • “Türkiye’de Spinoza”, Spinoza Günleri 2, Yeni Dünyadan Eski Dünyaya, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, yay. haz. Cemal Bâli Akal, Reyda Ergün, 2011, s.151- 160. (Reyda Ergün ile birlikte)
  • “Hegel’den Jellinek’e Devlet Teorisinde Spinoza”, Spinoza ile Karşılaşmalar, Der. Güçlü Ateşoğlu; Eylem Canaslan, Ayrıntı, 2015,  s.137-148.
  • “Spinoza Bibliyografyası”, Spinoza Daima, Der. Cemal Bali Akal, Zoe Kitap, 2019.


  • “Spinoza’dan Mill’e, Mill’den AİHM’ne İfade Özgürlüğü”, Galatasaray Üniversitesi, Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 2007/2, s. 25-46. (Doç. Dr. Melike Batur Yamaner ile birlikte)
  • “Spinoza in der Türkei”, Studia Spinozana 16, Spinoza and Late Scholasticism, Volume 16, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 2008, s. 307-312. (Reyda Ergün ve Mahmut Özdil ile birlikte)
  • “Hegels Auffassung von Spinoza und der östlichen Philosophie: Eine Parallele”, Hegel-Jahrbuch, Hrsg. Arndt, Andreas; Cruysberghs, Paul; Przylebski, Andrzej. – Berlin : Akademie Verlag, 2009, s.114-120.
  • “Hegels Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts und Spinozas Politischer Traktat- Parallelen in der Architektonik mancher Begriffe”, Studia Hegeliana, Journal of the Spanish Society for Hegelian Studies, No:2, 2016, ss.79-95.

Book Review

  • “Reyda Ergün, Birden Güngören und Mahmut Özdil über Akal: Varolma Direnci ve Özerklik: Bir Hak Kuramı için Spinoza’yla und Özgürlüğün geleceği yoktur: Edebiyatta Spinoza”, Studia Spinozana, Volume 16, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 2008, s. 257-262.


  • “Hegels Auffassung von Spinoza und der östlichen Philosophie – Eine Parallele” Internationaler Hegel Kongress, Poznan (Polonya), 19-23 September 2006. (yayınlandı)
  • “Hegel’de Teolojik-Politik İnceleme”, Spinoza Günleri, Istanbul Bilgi Universitesi, 14-15 November 2008. (yayınlandı)
  • “Hegels Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts und Spinoza” (Hegel’in Hukuk Felsefesinin Temel İlkeleri ve Spinoza), V. Congreso International de la sociedad espaňola de Estudios sobre Hegel “Hegel y Spinoza”  (İspanyol Hegel Kuluşunun V. Uluslar arası Kongresi) , Salamanca Üniversitesi, 18 Ekim 2013 (yayınlandı)
  • “Spinoza’nın Politik İncelemesi ve Hegel’in Hukuk Felsefesi’ndeki Bazı Kavramların Karşılaştırılması”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Spinoza Sempozyumu, Beytepe Kampüsü, 11 Aralık 2013
  • “Hegel’in Spinoza Okuması”, Batı Felsefesi Seminerleri, Kızlarağası Medresesi, 16 Ocak 2014
  • “Hegel’den Jellinek’e Devlet Kuramında Spinoza”, Spinoza ile Karşılaşmalar, 26-27 Şubat 2015 MSGSÜ Sedad Hakkı Eldem Oditoryumu (yayınlandı)


  • Reyda Ergün ile birlikte: Manfred Walther, “Kutsal Kitap’ın Otoritesi ve Devlet Mantığı. Teolojik-Politik İnceleme’de Spinoza’nın Din ve Siyaset İlişkisinin Barışlandırılmasına Yönelik Müdahalesi”, Spinoza Günleri. Teolojik-Politik İnceleme Etrafında, İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2009, s. 57-74.
Alber Erol NAHUM

Alber Erol NAHUM (İzmir, 1979). His first encounter with Spinoza took place at Galatasaray University (İstanbul) where he was studying for a master’s degree in philosophy. He had the chance to attend the lectures of renowned Spinoza specialist Prof. Robert Misrahi from Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, who was there at that time as a visiting scholar. The impact of these lectures on him was so profound that he decided to work on Spinoza’s philosophy in his master’s thesis. Around the same time, he met with Dr. Ulus Baker, a Cypriot-Turkish Spinoza scholar, who was leading a workshop on Spinoza’s Ethics under the sponsorship of Norgunk Publishing House. This was yet another determining factor in his involvement with Spinoza’s thought. He thus obtained his master’s degree with a thesis entitled “Éternité et immortalité chez Spinoza” (written under the supervision of Prof. Kenan Gürsoy). Subsequently, he translated Gilles Deleuze’s books on Spinoza (from French to Turkish), as well as a selection of Spinoza’s correspondence. He published articles and book sections, while participating in several national and international Spinoza colloquia. During his doctoral studies, he focused more on the theological-political and biblical aspects of Spinoza’s work, by approaching it from the viewpoint of Jewish rabbinic and philosophical thought. He spent nearly two years in Paris in the framework of “Ph.D. in joint supervision” (cotutelle) program. This stay allowed him, first and foremost, to work very closely with his co-supervisor Prof. Catherine Chalier, a prominent figure in contemporary Jewish philosophy and a specialist of the “Hebraic source of thought”, to whom he will be forever indebted. But, while in Paris, he also took courses on Spinoza and Descartes at Paris 1 University, and attended Rabbi Yeshaya Dalsace’s classes on Torah and Talmud. He finally got his Ph.D. degree in philosophy from Galatasaray University with a dissertation entitled “Révélation et loi chez Maïmonide et Spinoza” (co-supervisors: C. Chalier and K. Gürsoy). He still works as a lecturer/researcher at the department of philosophy of the same university.  

His articles and translations include:

  • A. E. Nahum, “Les langues de Spinoza, les langues des Juifs et la ‘langue juive’”, Philosophical Remarks on the City and Right to the City/ Felsefede Kent ve Kent Hakkı, (Book Series: The City’s Language / Şehrin Dili / Langues de la ville), Eds. Ö. Güven & M. E. Kardeş, İstanbul: İstanbul University Press, 2021, p. 95-113.
  • A. E. Nahum, “Spinoza’nın Dil Kuramı: Eleştiriden Pratiğe” [Spinoza’s Theory of Language: From Criticism to Practice], Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi, 2021/2, p. 16-35.
  • A. E. Nahum, “Bir Spinoza İmgesinin İzinde: Modern Yahudiliğin Doğuşundan Ferisilik Eleştirisine” [In the Footsteps of a Spinoza Image: From the Birth of the Modern Judaism to the Critique of Pharisaism], Cogito, 99/2020, p. 72-105.
  • Gilles Deleuze, Spinoza ve İfade Problemi [Turkish translation of “Spinoza: Expressionism in Philosophy”], İstanbul: Norgunk, 2. Ed., 2021.
  • Spinoza-Blyenbergh, Kötülük Mektupları [Letters of Evil: Correspondance between Spinoza and Bljenbergh- translated to Turkish with a foreword], İstanbul: Norgunk, 3. Ed., 2021.